

‘The inherent threat’ to humanity from growing trend of ‘female infanticide’ as well as depleting
environment and increase in the incidence of diseases like-AIDS, Hepatitis and TB etc. may lead to the "extinction of Human Race" and meet the fate of ‘Dinosaurs’.

On the other hand, ‘Most of the People’ are guided by materialistic values, creating a culture of accumulation, possessiveness, selfishness and greed.

They are becoming ‘immune’ towards ‘issues’ like trading of ‘Human Beings’ or their ‘Body Parts’ including ‘Blood’ due to ‘unemployment’ and ‘extreme poverty’. ‘Crimes against women’ are no more considered as ‘a news of the day’. Lack of knowledge along with illiteracy further contributes and super invades the entire scenario.

‘In such a background’ an 'A-TRFC' funded study showed that ‘All’ without exception are concerned, so worried and ‘really’ want to
do something for the betterment of humanity but ‘An Average Personstill does not know about ‘What and how he can do for the same’?

‘The urge’ to provide required assistance, proper knowledge and ‘due incentives’ to such ‘valuable people’ and ‘responsible citizens’ so as to build-up ‘a respectable social order’ as a part of an effective ‘Counter Strategy’ has been the moving force behind the birth of
'A-TRFC's ''Save Humanity Campaign''

With an objective to work at definite goals, & considering ‘Population explosion’ as the ‘root cause’ of today's various disastrous developments and multifarious problems,‘A-TRFC’ lays ‘special accent’ on preventive, promotive and educative aspects of family welfare along with complete health care and awareness.

‘A-TRFC’ i.e., ‘Arogyadham’ The royal Families Club (Regd). has centralised its services at NP 150/4, Pitampura,Delhi-110 034.

‘A Health and Family Welfare Centre’ equipped with a charitable general patients ‘clinic’ along

with ‘a mobile unit’ & an ‘ACSW’ training centre is being run to cater the ‘need’ of individuals.


‘A-TRFC’ is involved in a process to achieve the goal of establishing a‘Royal Society’ in its ‘true meaning’ i.e., A group of ‘healthy’ and ‘balanced families’ who want to have a ‘comfortable and carefree’ lives based on the ‘principles’ of co-existence and mutual co-operation.

At ‘A-TRFC’, we have begun this healing process by ‘joining even forces against evil forces’ and with a few small steps to form the following groups:-

1. ARM-Cards

'A-TRFC's'exclusive Royal Membership Cards

These cards are offered to the individuals 'who' join hands with 'A-TRFC' for the welfare of humanity through participation in various activities and by extending help in 'whatever way they can'.

The card holders are also entitled to several attractive privileges and a host of benefits like 'superb offers' and 'discounts' from several commerical organisations e.g. in Shopping,Eating-out,Travel & Tours, Medical-Treatments, Education etc. Many prestigious, establishments including Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Diagnostic Centres, Colleges, Institutions, Consumer Service outlets, Business Houses etc. and many other Professionals are on the Panel of 'A-TRFC'.

A detailed 'ARM-CARD' Directory with a list of 'Member Establishments' and 'Individuals' is provided to each 'ARM-CARD' holder for ready reference and to make full use of the mentioned privileges and discounts.

2. Life-Line Volunteers

'A Voluntary Blood Donation Service'
is offered by A-TRFC's Life
-Line Volunteers, for 'needy patients' who are unable to arrange Donors.

A list of such volunteers' is suitably highlighted in 'ARM-CARD' Directory.

3. Female Child Gift-Adoption

'Childless couples' are encouraged and motivated to adopt female child. 'A list' of institutions and individuals who want to gift/adopt female child is being prepared. The couples adopting female child are given a special status and offered special privileges by 'A-TRFC'.



'A-TRFC'S Crusaders for Social Welfare

Formation of a cadre of 'ACSW' volunteers from within the community who comprise the 'A-TRFC order are 'Instrumental ' in educating, motivation and counselling of ' young individuals ' and married couples ' of child bearing age group about adoption of family planning measures at the earliest possible so as to improve their existing socio-economic living status through timely and favourable approach while working 'all around' especially in 'slums' and jhuggi-jhonpadi areas.

5. 'ACSW' Terminals

'A-TRFC's Countrywide Social Welfare Terminals

'ACSW' Terminals function as charitable 'OPD Clinics' apart from providing routine medical care to the local residents, these 'work stations efficiently implement the ' programmes' and 'policies' sponsored by 'A-TRFC'.


1. Home Based Family Planning Services:

‘A-TRFC’ provides ‘free’ transport facility and medicines for the purpose of family planning operations (Tubectomy/Vasectomy) also ‘free’ supply of condoms ‘on regular basis’ through its ‘Mobile Unit’ and ‘ACSW’ volunteers.

2. Free Counselling Provided on:

Family planning procedures.
Pre-Post Marital ‘Sex Education’.
Donation of ‘Blood’ and ‘Eyes’ or ‘Body’.
Gift- Adoption of ‘Girl’ Child.
Prevention of ‘Diseases’ like:
AIDS, Hepatitis & TB etc.

3. ‘Free’ Medical / Dental check up clinics on special occasions.

4. ‘Referral’ to other voluntary organisations for specialised services.

5. ‘Community Awareness’ programmes and Health related course, workshops, conferences etc.

For any further details please write to:

Save Humanity Campaign
Post Box No. 10577, New Delhi-110034
Ph. 7071670, 7444807


ßvkjksX;/kkeÞ&n jkW;y QSfeyht+ Dyc ¼jftñ½

ßloZ lq[k lEiUu] 'kkjhfjd o ekufld LokLF; ls Hkjiwj ifjokjksa ls ;qDr lekt dh vo/kkj.kk dks vkt ds ifjos'k esa ns[krs gq,Þ tSls fd u"V gksrs tk jgs izkd`frd lalk/kuksa] iz;kZoj.k iznw"k.k] ,M~l] gSisVkbfVl tSlh xEHkhj fcekfj;ksa] ekuo vaxks dk O;kikj] jDrvYirk] dqiks"k.k] va/kkiu] ?kksj xjhch] vf'k{kk o yM+dh Hkzw.k gR;kvksa rFkk vkSjrksa ds LokLF; ls f[kyokM+ :ih xHkZikr tSlh cqjkbZ;k ,oa ,slh gh vU; ekufldrkvksa o xyr vo/kkj.kkvksa ls mRiUu ßlkekftd o vkfFkZd fo"kerkvksa ls ;qDr fofHkUu vk;keksa okyh fodjky leL;kvksa ds ewy esa izR;{kr% O;kIr fuckZ/k c<+rh gqbZ vkcknh ¼,d izeq[k dkj.k½ ij izHkkoh jksd yxkkus ds mís'; lsÞ rFkk lkFk gh vU; lEcfU/kr fo"k;ksa ij lkewfgd iz;klksa ds t+fj;s ns'k ds fofHkUu Hkkxksa esa vyx&vyx LFkkuksa ij Kkuo/kZd dk;Z'kkyk,¡] O;k[;kuekyk,¡] ijke'kZ f'kfojksa] eq¶r fpfdRlk f'kfojksa bR;kfn ds vk;kstu dj loZlk/kkj.k dks mfpr ijke'kZ] vko';d lgk;rk] t:jh ekxZ n'kZu o ßizksRlkguksaÞ ds }kjk ifjokj dY;k.k ds y{;ksa dks lgh ek;uksa esa izkIr djuk gh ^vkjksX;/kke* n jkW;y QSfeyht+ Dyc dk ijeksís'; gSA

eq[; mís';

1- lHkh ds fy, LokLF;] jkstxkj o lalk/kuksa dh miyC/krk c<+kus ds iz;kl djukA

2- c<+rh vkcknh] Hkzw.k gR;kvkssa ,oa ,M~l] gSisVkbfVl tSlh xEHkhj chekfj;ksa dh jksdFkke ds fy, rFkk ifjokj fu;kstu gsrq vfr izHkkoh mik;ksa ¼vWkijs'ku o fujks/k½ dks izpkfjr ,oa izlkfjr djukA

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4- jDr nku] vk¡[ksa nku] o nsgnku dks c<+kok nsukA

5- i;kZoj.k laj{k.k gsrq mik; djukA

vkSj vf/kd tkudkjh ds fy, fy[ksa%&

^lso g;qesUVh dEiSu* % iksLV ckDl ua- 10577
ubZ fnYyh&110034] Qksu% 7071670, 7444807


who is
accompanied by
'noble thoughts'
is never alone.

Discover ‘Yourself ’ for a Social Cause!
'Donate Eyes'
'Donate Body'- 'Donate Blood'
'Save Humanity' from a 'Virtual Disaster'

"Don't kill ‘Girls’ in mothers' womb".
‘Gift ’ them to ‘needy’ childless couples
through ‘A-TRFC’.

;= uk;ZLrq iwT;Urs] jeUrs r=k nsork

bl nqfu;k esa la?k"kZ] vfuf'prrk,a]
ihM+k vkSj eqlhcrsa rks gSa ysfdu
blesa izse] eS=kh] lg;ksx
o mEehnsa Hkh gSaA

Join Hands with 'A-TRFC'

We accept ‘AID’ to stop ‘AIDS’.
We ‘Encourage’ Girl Child adoption to ‘Discourage’ female infanticide.

We lay special accent on
'Preventive' aspects of Family Planning
to 'Restrict' Discurative Family Designing

Hkzw.k gR;k iki gSA yM+dh Hkzw.k gR;k egkiki gsSA





Send Comments to: Internet Gallery, A Division of TravelEase Tours & Travels, New Delhi